Michael Friedman
Born in Vancouver and raised in a family of musicians and artists, Michael Friedman began studying piano at age four and was exposed to folk, world, rock and classical music throughout his youth. His father played flute in various orchestras, and also led a folk music group. At age eleven his family moved to Berlin, East Germany where his father enrolled at the Hanns Eisler Conservatory of Music to study Choral Conducting. While in Berlin, Michael began his life-long love and “obsession” with the guitar. After a few years of playing professionally in Toronto he would return to Berlin, to receive formal musical training in Guitar and Composition at that same distinguished conservatory. While based in Germany he toured extensively, performing in various countries as a solo artist as well as a member of several groups, becoming a respected member of the international music community in Europe.
Joergen Lang
“Songs from the heart”.
Endlich hören wir wieder eine große Stimme, die nicht von weit kommt, sondern hierzulande ihre Wurzeln hat. Aufgewachsen im niedersächsischen Oldenburg ist Jørgen Lang ein Wanderer zwischen den Welten.
Eine entscheidende Prägung erhielt Jørgen, als er im Jahr 1990 für fast zwei Jahre nach Irland übersiedelte. Hier erlebte er eine lebendige Musiktradition direkt “an der Quelle”. Begegnungen mit lokalen Künstlern hinterließen einen bleibenden Eindruck: Jørgens Gesangsstil (und sein irischer Akzent), sowie sein markanter Gitarrenstil haben hier ihre Anfänge. (Die Vorliebe für schwarzen Tee hatte er schon vorher — seine Familie mütterlicherseits stammt aus Ostfriesland.)